Updates & Response to COVID-19 – July 2020

Fri 3 April 2020

We hope you are all keeping safe and are finding some time to play your instruments, sing and keep making music. With very recent announcements from the government about the full reopening of schools we are hoping that we will be able to shed some more light on the picture for September as regards music provision. I am so proud of the staff and teachers here at WMS, all the hard work they do and how they have adapted to continue to support our young musicians in the virtual world! Check out their video here. Here’s a few updates on how the great team at WMS can support you and things you can get involved with.

‘Keep In Touch’ Online Lessons

All WMS students should have received information with their annual reports about these free online tuition lessons with their teacher. We hope that as many of you as possible take up this opportunity. Our teachers may be able to deliver several lessons depending on the uptake. The feedback from those young people that have taken part so far has been really positive! If you need more information please email tgray@wakefield.gov.uk

Online Learning – Charanga

Our teachers have been working hard to create lessons and resources for students to continue learning which are available on Charanga, all primary school instrumental students should now have received a login. Resources have now been created and uploaded for secondary pupils and you should receive an email within the next few days. If you haven’t received anything then please email us at music@wakefield.gov.uk The same email can then be used if you want to send through anything for the teacher to listen to or comment on and reply to. We will continue to update resources throughout the coming weeks and are also busy putting lots more resources and ideas together to expand our remote learning support. Click here to see some great links to other fantastic online resources!

Big Sing 2020!

It’s 10 years since we began our annual Big Sing and this year we want as many schools, individuals, families, choirs and teachers to join together and celebrate! This is also ideal for our 4000 young musicians who take part in our weekly Whole Class First Access Lessons. You can find a summary and links to all the songs here. Please like and share our dedicated facebook page to keep up to date and look out for #BigSing2020  #KeepMakingMusic www.facebook.com/WMSBigSing2020

Virtual Music Centre – WMS Big Play 2020

Please click on the links to see how we have been supporting our ensemble and Music Centre members. We still have many things to develop but the first part of the Big Play (Ode To Joy) was a tremendous success. String Players can get involved with ‘That String Thing’ and look out for the forthcoming Lock Down Rock that budding rock and pop musicians can get involved with over the summer. Our dedicated Music Centre team are also piloting Virtual Music Ensembles so look out for these opportunities very soon.

Annual Pupils Reports

Our teachers have completed writing pupil reports for all those young people that have individual or small group instrumental lessons with WMS. Please email music@wakefield.gov.uk if you have not received yours by the beginning of July. If you could also please double check that we have the most up to date email address and mobile number that would be appreciated.

Social Media & Website

Our online platforms are often the easiest to keep everybody up to date. Using these platforms also helps with minimising usage on the council systems which are being heavily utilised at the moment and needed for critical services. We will continue to update these so please subscribe, follow us, like us and share!




Best wishes

Phil and the WMS Team