These exciting practical music workshops are for both primary and secondary pupils on a wide range of topics. Workshops are held in school for a half or full day depending on school requirements. We are also happy to design a workshop to fit just about any topic! Popular workshops include;
- Junk Percussion
- African Drumming
- Samba Drumming
- Boomwhackers
- Rhythm and Rhyme
- Chinese Music
- Aboriginal Music
- Nursery Rhymes
- Music and Art
- Space Journeys
“An excellent day with great ideas that I can use with my class” (Year 1 Class Teacher)
“I really enjoyed making music on the African drums, will you come again because I loved it so much?” (Yr6 Pupil)
“The junk music workshop really excited year 9! As a result we have now started our own after school group” (Head of Music)
For bookings, further details and information about costs please contact WMS or email